Jira pagination using a transformer

Is it possible, in a transformer, to trigger a query and pass variables into the query?
My end goal is to use the transformer or query to trigger the Jira query and pass variables because I don't see a built in way to take into account pagination for the Jira queries. I then want to store this information in a chart.

Something like-
let return_data = [];
let totalPages = 10;
let resultsPerPage = 100;

for (let page = 0; page < totalPages; page++) {
const response = {{ JiraQuery.trigger({ startAt: page * resultsPerPage }, { maxResults: resultsPerPage }) }};

Hey @aking43!

Would something like this work for you?



Thanks. Looks like that helped quite a bit! Now I just need to figure out how to store the data in a temporary variable or list and then return that.
Appreciate the help!!!

Awesome! Anytime :slight_smile: This post has the code to return an array from your JS query if that’s helpful at all:


Awesome that helps alot. Not sure I'm doing this the correct way, but here's my code below. The only issue I'm running into now is displaying all of it in the table. Any thoughts? I appreciate the help on this!!

EDIT:Adding a pic of what it's returning. I want to pull the issues out of each of the objects(?).

let start_at=[0,50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450]
let maxresultsPerPage=50
const arr = start_at
const query = SPMAll_Pagination // your query to trigger for each

const promises = arr.map((item) => {
return query.trigger({additionalScope: {start_at: item, max_results: maxresultsPerPage}});

return Promise.all(promises)


Happy to help with this!

Would you mind expanding our your issues array in the left panel screenshot so I can see what it looks like?

Sure can! I've gone ahead and posted the screenshots of how they expand. Appreciate the help and support!


Thank you for sending that! Super helpful. Would something like this work for you to only display your issues data in your table?


You could put the flatten logic in your JS query:

return _.flatten(Promise.all(promises).map(obj=> obj.issues))

Or you could leave your JS query alone and put the logic in your table:

{{_.flatten(jQuery.data.map(obj=> obj.issues))}}

Let me know if this works for you!t

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Thanks Victoria. I'll give it a shot!

I appreciate the help. I actually just ended up setting up server side pagination. The initial hope was to pull all data and then use it in the charts and the tables.

Oh awesome! Glad pagination is working for you. This solution should work (to display all data) if you ever want to come back to it :slight_smile:

Hi @victoria, I'm looking at the same issues currently and have followed this thread.

the code you've provided flattens the result in the query side to one level which is already awesome.
could you advise to the earlier request as to how you would flatten recursively

I use the select query

select id
     , key
     , fields 
  from {{_.flatten(jsAllProjects2.data.map(obj=> obj.issues))}} as i

which works great, however ideally i would be able to just pull out fields.summary ...ect as i do in postgresql

in the screen shot below there the fields is the following format:

    "summary": "summary",
    "issuetype": {
                          "self": "https://....",
                          "id": "10025",
                          ...  },
    "created": "2023-03-06T15:34:42.281+0100",
    "resolutiondate": "2023-03-06T15:34:54.033+0100",
    "project": {
                "self": "self",
                "avatarUrls": {
                              "48x48": "https://....",
                              ...    }
    "updated": "2023-03-06T15:34:54.060+0100",
    "customfield_10058": null,
    "status": {
        "self": "https://....",
        "statusCategory": {
                          "self": "https://....",
                          ...  }

Appreciate any help here!

If it's of any help, I actually ended up stumbling into the solution I was hoping for with the following code. It will go through each "page" of Jira results, iterate over the results and put them into a list that contains all of the results of the request.
You can then reference the list in another JS query or transformer.


let total_results = {{Jira_Query.data.total}}
//Added 1 to ensure all pages are captured
let total_pages = (total_results / 50)+1
return total_pages

----JS Query----

//Get the total pages from the above transformer
let totalPages = jiratransformer.value;

let start_at = 0;
let max_results=50;
let page = 0;

let final_list=[];

//Start the main loop to go through each page of results
while (page <= totalPages){
       const results = jira_query.trigger({ additionalScope:{start_at: `${totalPages}`, max_results:`${max_results}`}})

//Loop through all results in the current page
       while (i <=49){

         let jira_customfield= jira_query.data.issues[i]['fields']['customfield_']
         let policy_status = jira_query.data.issues[i]['fields']['status']['name']
         //push results to a list
        final_list.push({custom_field: `${jira_customfield}`, policy_status: `${policy_status}`})

       start_at=start_at + 50
       page=page + 1
//reset the i variable for the next 50 results


//return data
return final_list
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Oh thanks, I will look into this tomorrow. do you have any thoughts on the speed of this? I'm only looking at around 5k results but I would have guessed going key by key in JS would be slower than doing it in SQL at the end?

I've only been using this on a project that has about 1k tickets currently and it's ran just fine. With that said, I do have a few more projects that I'll be using this on, one with 2k results and the other with about 5k, but it won't be for a little bit so I would definitely say it's worth testing and comparing on your end. When I do test it, I can let you know if it's slower and by how much, but I would agree that performing a SQL query potentially could be faster depending on environmental variables.

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Just worked it out:

the dot notation into the fields works if you use an alias in the select:

this does not work work:

select id
     , key 
     , fields.summary as summary
  from {{_.flatten(jsAllProjects2.data.map(obj=> obj.issues))}}

this works:

select i.id
     , i.key 
     , i.fields.summary as summary
  from {{_.flatten(jsAllProjects2.data.map(obj=> obj.issues))}} as i
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Hello everybody.
This is an old thread, however, I'm trying to consume all jira cloud issues mapping the columns, but I came across "null" in the assignee.displayName field.
Can you help how can I get around the nulls?

//Get the total pages from the above transformer
let totalPages = jiratransformer.value;

let start_at = 0;
let max_results=50;
let page = 0;

let final_list=[];

//Start the main loop to go through each page of results
while (page <= totalPages){
       const results = jira_query.trigger({ additionalScope:{start_at: `${totalPages}`, max_results:`${max_results}`}})

 while (i <=49){

         let assignee= jira_query.data.issues[i]['fields']['assignee']['displayName']
         let jira_customfield= jira_query.data.issues[i]['fields']['customfield_']
         let policy_status = jira_query.data.issues[i]['fields']['status']['name']
         //push results to a list
                  custom_field: `${jira_customfield}`
                  , policy_status: `${policy_status}`
                  ,assignee: `${assignee}`        
       start_at=start_at + 50
       page=page + 1
//reset the i variable for the next 50 results


//return data
return final_list
  • message:"Cannot read properties of null (reading 'displayName')"

Hey @nrosa!

You can try using optional chaining here to avoid attempting to access the property of a nullish value. However, it looks like you may also need to wait for your Jira query to finish running before accessing its data.

Can you try using const results = await jira_query.trigger(/* config options */) and then, later in your script, reference results instead of jira_query.data? e.g. let assignee = results.issues[i]?.['fields']?.['assignee']?.['displayName']

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It worked, thank you very much!