Issues with Bulk Deletion


I am trying to adapt this solution to allow bulk deletion of records from a MySQL-based table. I have multi-row selection and checkbox column enabled. Here is my code:

var rows = formatDataAsObject(;

console.log("Beginning bulk user deletion. Please standby.");

var uids =  formatDataAsObject(;

function runQuery(i) {
  if (i >= uids.length) {
    console.log("Finished running all queries");
  var uidarray = uids[i];
  console.log("Running deletion for user id:", uidarray);

    additionalScope: {
      uidarray: uidarray,
    // You can use the argument to get the data with the onSuccess function
    onSuccess: function (uidarray) {
      console.log("User" + uidarray + "has been deleted successfully");
      runQuery(i + 1);


Error message:

Hey @ttam_ei!

When you reference the id in the stg_MM_delete query you'll want to use the same variable name that you're passing as additional scope here:

additionalScope: {
uidarray: uidarray,

So you might try {{ uidarray }} instead of {{}}. Can you let me know if that works?

There's more info on using additionalScope in this post!

Thanks, that sorted it out!