Issue with Split Pane creating a Double Scroll

  • Goal: Eliminate double scroll

  • Details: When I have a split pane and both "sides" (the normal app and the pane) have a single container, expanded to fit, and the container in the split pane has a particularly lengthy body, the app's "main" section appears to regain it's scroll bar, despite the "Expand to Fit" option being enabled for both containers. Scrolling down on it scrolls "past" the app (hard to explain).

The key here seems to be that the body of the container in the split pane would definitely scroll beyond the expanded container. It doesn't happen on containers with more reasonable vertical lengths, but unfortunately some of mine are unreasonably long.

  • Screenshots:

    Note the scroll bar for the container and then the second scroll bar for the main app.

Scrolling "past" the app"

  • App json export: Not Possible

By the way - the split pane is awesome. Huge fan 13/10

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Any thoughts on this? We love the split pane but the forever scroll really messed things up.

Soon it'll be really important - any insight into how to cure this or is it just a bug?

Hi @richschaeffer, are we still having this issue?

I'm trying to reproduce this but maybe I'm misunderstanding the problem.

The split pane (right) scrolls all the way down for both the components (tables) and the container. Before scrolling:

After scrolling both the component and the pane, we get to the bottom of the canvas:

Neither the left or the right side continue scrolling once we get to the bottom of the canvas.

The one difference I immediately notice is that the footer is missing on the right container (the one with all the containers inside it). Both left and right is set to "Expand to fit"; can't tell if that's the case here. I can't tell how many containers you have on the right, but I assume you tried adding them continually to see if there was an issue. I'll keep looking and see if there's anything else I can come up with. Scroll should be hidden in all cases.

Is the Main frame also set to "Expand content to fit"?
Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 2.48.25 PM

Hi @richschaeffer, are we still having this issue? :face_with_monocle:

We can close this. I refactored my app to not have extremely tall containers and it went away; I have no idea if it's an issue or just a misconfiguration on my end.

Thank you for the update!