Issue with Connecting Notion Database to Retool

Hello Retool Community,

So, I've been trying to link up a Notion database with Retool. Managed to set up the Notion HQ resource and even pull data with a query. But I can't seem to get that data into a Retool table.

 "created_time": "2024-03-19T09:37:00.000Z",
 "created_by": {
   "object": "user",
 "last_edited_by": {
   "object": "user",
 "last_edited_time": "2024-04-23T11:55:00.000Z",
  "title": [
     "type": "text",
     "text": {
       "content": "Perfiles de usuario - BBDD",
       "link": null
     "annotations": {
       "bold": false,
       "italic": false,
       "strikethrough": false,
       "underline": false,
       "code": false,
       "color": "default"
     "plain_text": "Perfiles de usuario - BBDD",
     "href": null
 "description": [],
 "is_inline": true,
 "properties": {
     "name": "Edad",
     "type": "select",
     "select": {
       "options": [
           "id": "bpL_",
           "name": "Adultos mayores",
           "color": "brown",
           "description": null
           "id": "C<xs",
           "name": "Adultos jóvenes",
           "color": "pink",
           "description": null
           "id": "G\\MG",
           "name": "Mix de edades",
           "color": "green",
           "description": null
           "id": "_KY}",
           "name": "Sin info",
           "color": "default",
           "description": null
    "Perfil LitC:Edad ": {
     "name": "Perfil LitC: Edad ",
     "type": "formula",
     "formula": {
       "expression":"if({{notion:block_property:CdIx:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:535446f0-9224-47f9-adcc-715d5ca1679a}}== \"Adultos jóvenes\", \"Persona joven: Libertad\",if({{notion:block_property:CdIx:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:535446f0-9224-47f9-adcc-715d5ca1679a}}== \"Adultos mayores\", \"Persona mayor:Agobio\",\"-\"))"
 (The rest of theNotion database response)

If anyone has experience with integrating Notion databases with Retool or has encountered a similar issue, I would greatly appreciate your help. Specifically, I'm looking for suggestions on how to properly format the response from Notion so that it can be displayed in a Retool table.