Issue uploading binary file (movie) to GCP because FileButtonWidget has empty value

I am trying to upload a movie to GCP. I use a FileButtonWidget (named addGameVideo) to select the file and upload with a GCP query. The filetype is either MOV or MP4. I disabled fine-grained control on my bucket to ensure that I don't have any CORS issues.

According to posts that I read on the forum I should be able to access the content of the file through {{addGameVideo.value[0]}}, but this shows up as undefined in the inspector. When I run my query, I get an error message cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'contentType') .

Here are screenshots to help debug,

When you highlight or click into the field for upload data - what is shown?

Hi! This could be related to our upload limit of 40mb for Cloud accounts. Does this happen for smaller files?