Is it possible to only hidden a tag element from a individual column?

  • Goal: Hidden tag option only from the selected row

I added the image conditionals to try to achieve this behavior of hiding the closed tag of only the selected row, but when clicking on a row that hides the tag, the tag of other rows is affected. Is there a way to only hidden the tag from selected row? Or maybe only disable the tag selection

Someone from retool could answer this topic, please?

Hi @Vinicius_Rodrigues,

Logic based on the selectedRow will be the same for all rows because it's always comparing to the row that the user has last clicked on.

{{currentRow}} would allow you to create different logic for each row, but it isn't in scope here. I've moved this to feature requests, and I'll reach out if we ship a feature for this!

You could disable editing for rows that meet a certain condition:
