Is it possible to call on a Chrome Extension from inside a Retool app?

Hi there,

Just trying to find out if it's possible to utilize a chrome extension with a retool application? Has anyone successfully integrated a chrome extension with one of their apps? If so, what does that set up look like?


I added the extension's library I needed to my app and am now trying to utilize one of it's functions to test a connection. When I run this function though I get an error in my console:

The URL covered in the image is going to the base URL for our Retool instance. What is the issue here? Is there a way around it?

Hi @mitchell, welcome to the forum! :wave:

I have not seen this use case before but @khill-fbmc recently made a topic on how to Embed Retool on a Chrome Extension. Maybe you can create your own version of the extension on Retool? :eyes:

From what I understand about Chrome Extensions...

When I embed the iframe for a Retool app, that lives outside of the context of our extension.

Chrome extensions are just webpages running in an isolated context from what you are browsing. The extension can pass messages to service workers (background scripts) or to content scripts running in the scope of the actively browsed page. I don't know of a way to communicate with anything running in an iframe, because by nature they are out of our control.

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@mitchell, what extension is this? Maybe there is an API we can interact with.

I just saw this in the settings yesterday!

This might enable some extension <=> app communication :slight_smile:

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