Internal Error running a block

Hi Team,
I have been trying to execute a Snowflake stored procedure in a workflow.
But the block is throwing an error
{"data":null,"metadata":{},"error":"Internal Error running a block: Error: 504 "}
My connections seem fine as other stored procedures are running fine.
Can someone help me out ?

Hey @Bose_28! Thanks for reaching out. Just to confirm - you are currently using other Snowflake procedures in workflows without any issues?

I think the quickest way to figure out what's going on is to look at your workflows-worker and workflows-backend logs! Feel free to DM me if you want to share them directly.

Hi @Darren thanks for the reply, we faced this issue when manually running the query blocks.
Triggering via other workflows or via webhooks we haven't faced this issue.

Ah okay that's good to hear! It sounds like the block may be dependent on the prior steps in the workflow having run already. When testing, you can run a given block in sequence with its dependencies via the ... menu in the top right:

The other possibility is that you'll need to provide test parameters, if you typically pass in data when triggering the workflow.

Definitely let me know if you continue to see this behavior! I'm glad it's not blocking production use cases but would still like to get this ironed out.