Intermittent Workflow Error: "Cannot find module" when module exists

Hi, I'm very intermittently experiencing the same issue stated on this post. Workflow Errors importing custom javascript libraries

My workflow runs flawlessly most of the time but I noticed it stopped due to this unexpected error around not finding the module axios, when the module has been imported and ran plenty already. Could you look into this please?

Please see attached screenshots.

Hi @mr-media,

Apologies for the issue, that is a really odd that it works fine the majority of the time but sometimes can't find the package that is installed.

Are you self hosted or on the cloud? You may just need to uninstall and re-install the package to ensure the caching system is able to direct the code executor to the axios dependency at code runtime :thinking:

Hi Jack,

It's pretty rare now, hardly seeing it but it's on the cloud.

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Ah ok,

That is just so odd that is still happen sometimes :face_with_monocle:

Maybe there are some factors that are causing the module to load in slower than other times, and the code starts executing before the reference to the module has been established in the code sandbox environment :thinking:

Let me know if you are able to record the request-ID of a query when it occurs and I can check your org's logs on the cloud to see if we can find more details on this.

Thanks Jack, I've scanned through our logs and we havn't had any recently. I'll keep an eye out and close the ticket discussion if they stop!

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