Inputs in form act funny

Hi retool community!

I've been struggling with this one, unable to find a good solution out there.

For some reason, on one of my forms, al the inputs act weird - whenever i make a change in the text in them, it throws the cursor to the end of the text/input.

This is really annoying and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Did anyone come across this issue before?

ok, i figured it out after painfully duplicating my app and removing one component/query/script at a time to try and isolate the issue.

After clearing the entire canvas and all the query/scripts custom css etc i tried to look for something in the app theme and eventually reseting the app to the default app theme solved the issue :man_shrugging:

Anyways if inputs are funky try reseting the app's theme. Not sure why, but i guess it might work.

Same issue here, and it's not connected to themes.

In some cases it could be fixed by upgrading deprecated input fields, but I haven't found a complete solution yet.

Welcome to the forum @Ido_Goldberg & @unique! :wave:

@Ido_Goldberg, I wonder how the custom CSS was impacting the cursor location, but I'm glad you were able to fix the issue. If it happens again after adding themes/custom CSS, please share your settings so we can take a closer look.

@unique, are you on Cloud or Self-Hosted? Using the most up to date components will definitely be the safest way to prevent any bugs. Could you expand on the issues that you are still having? It would help knowing which components they are and if we have custom CSS for them or not.

Thank you in advance!