Inactivity timeout

For security/compliance reasons, it'd be great to be able to set an org-wide inactivity timeout which automatically logs out users if they haven't been active after n minutes.

Seems like it could be doable within apps using a redirect, but not from meta pages like settings.


Any updates on this?

Hey @mwh22! No updates yet, but I'll add a +1 to the ticket internally :slight_smile:


Thanks @victoria . What's currently the best way to do timeouts/log people out? Is there a simpler implementation that works for now?

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There currently isn't a function to do that inside of Retool, but I checked in on the internal feature request ticket :slight_smile:

In the meantime, if you set something up in your app where it redirects to, that would work. Though the user would have to click a button or something that navigates them to that URL.

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+1 to this, please. I actually didn't realize there wasn't already an automatic inactivity logout, and it's mandatory for us if we want to use it for Healthcare.


+1 to this. I also need it for my org, it should log people out after inactivity for a certain time.

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+1 It's a requirement for applications within the government space as well.

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+1 +1 +1 +1 +1!!!!!!!

+1 for this feature.

+1 - this is a critical feature that should be prioritized