Improve Workflow Output & Log Copying

Add the ability to copy the logged data on the logs tab of a workflow code block. Currently, it is possible to copy the output, but not the logs. It is difficult to even highlight the text in a log to manually copy/paste.

Additionally, it is currently possible to copy the path of a key, but not:

  • The value of a key
  • An entire individual record

Also, if there was a search bar so I could search for a specific record that would be IMMENSELY helpful. Sometimes there is a specific record that has all the fields filled out or that otherwise shows the how well the script achieves it's purpose better than others. It would be good to be able to search for it's name or id rather than having to scroll to find it.

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Hi @Sam_S

Thanks so much for your feedback. I agree that copying and searching logs would be a great improvement. It looks like we have a feature request already for a button to copy logs, so I added your +1. I also created a feature request for the ability to search logs.

While I don't have a timeline for either of these features, we will certainly reach back out here if there is any movement! :smile: