I'm thinking through deployment for self-hosted retool. I'd like to deploy the same apps to a large number of environments automatically.
I'd love it if I could create an initialization script that would import apps from source on startup (for a read-only prod instance). I didn't see import/export functionality in the API documentation. Looking for the equivalent of manually clicking import/export in the UI.
Is it possible to do this as part of my CICD pipeline like I'm envisioning here, or is the only option the source control feature in the enterprise plan?
Unfortunately the Retool API does not have public facing functionality for importing/exporting applications currently
Source control is one of the major draws of our enterprise plan, we have had other users request better support for CI/CD pipeline building for the other tiers, so there may be something in the works.
But for now it sounds like you are able to smoothly develop on a test app, then export/import the app to a production ready environment. Which other users have found is the next best option, unfortunately it is a manual process currently