Image Upload in App via Camera not publicly accessible

Hello! I am having an issue when using an image upload component in a mobile app. I am trying to pass the image to a slack message, so I need it to be publicly accessible.

I have the interaction toggles selected.


In my testing, when uploading an image via the library it will be public but if its uploaded using a camera directly it is not publicly accessible. This seems like a bug.

Can anyone assist in how I can easily have the photo uploaded via camera accessible via public link?

Retool Storage

Hello @dangreenberg!

That is very odd that uploading via library the image stays publicly accessible from retool store, but does not when uploaded directly from the camera...

On the mobile app, are you using the image input component inside of a form component?

Could you share the query you are running on image upload/form submit that saves the image to retool storage? There might be something in the query that we can use to switch photo access to public from camera.

I am also wondering if there are different queries, one for upload from library and one for upload from camera directly :thinking:

Once you share the screen shots and info on the components/queries I can try to reproduce the permission issue and solve it/report a bug!

I've tried the imageInput in both the formComponent and outside of the formComponent and get the same issue where its private upon upload. i'm using the built-in interaction settings

heres the state of the component

thanks for your help

Same problem

@Jack_T Any idea if you can assist or open a ticket on your end?

Hello @dangreenberg Yes I can test it out and if the bug is reproducible on my end, file a bug/feature request to our eng to work on.

Will be doing that shortly and keeping you updated on anything I hear from the eng team on this!

@dangreenberg @Cepera_Zava This is unfortunately a known bug our team is working on.

But good news, there is a workaround! Check out this community post and Paulo's comment on how to set the image to be base 64 encoded via a JS Query and then uploaded.

As well as the useful workaround added by adibandzioch below Paulo's comment!