I want to dayjs instead of moment.js

I am trying to import dayjs to my App because
my project decide to avoid using deprecated libraries as much as possible.

I added dayjs library in App action's "Scripts and Styles" by cdn

And I import dayjs in Javascript

Is it correct to import external libraries?

Hey @m.ueno! That seems correct :thinking: I'm testing with https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/dayjs/1.11.6/dayjs.min.js and can't seem to get it to work.

You shouldn't even need to import. I think you can just call the methods, if the library link happens to work in Retool.

The problem is that some libraries just don't work in Retool and there's not really a good way to know which ones work.

As a temporary workaround, would moment work for you instead? It's built into Retool!

Thank you for answering my question.
I confirmed dayjs method worked!
Our team want to momentjs but client asks us to avoid using
deprecated libraries as much as possible.

Oh, awesome! I’m so glad you got it to work :clap: and makes sense, definitely understandable.