How to store Notifications after it is displayed on the screen

  • I want a button on the nav bar, with a pop-up on click listing all the notifications(alerts) for the user

  • Steps: I triggered a data source to keep storing the notifications in an object, and used a repeatable for listing them as notifications

  • Screenshot:

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it might be easier to pipe the console.log stream, parse for what you want to keep, then add/push to a variable or array of some kind (either retool variable or local storage). this way you can 'react' to the data that triggers the notification instead of waiting further down the pipeline after a bunch of overhead then saving the new data.

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Hey @Vibhu_Gupta,

Checking in on this. Did you move forward with a solution already? Are you stuck on any steps in particular?

For storing the notification, you can also trigger a query on success of the notification:

The popup part also might be tricky with our current components - maybe a modal could open for the user?