It is being used as a self-hosted retool. After you log in, close the browser, run the browser again, and when you access the tool, you will be logged in. Is there a way to remove the token cookie or send it to the login window when new browser accesses?
Hey @gmltkd91,
On Premise, you can set the environment variable USE_SHORT_SESSIONS=true configured and then restart your containers. This should log your users out every 12 hours. If set to false, then the default (1 week session) should be restored.
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Thank you for your response.
However, what I want is a function that automatically ends the session when the browser is terminated, not every 12 hours.
Or I'd like to ask if it's possible to have a shorter cycle than 12 hours.
Unfortunately, we can't have listeners on any events outside of the retool app.
One thing you can do is redirect users to the logout endpoint.
We have an existing feature request I've attached this conversation to and will post here if we have any updates!
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