How to save the data in our database?

We use this Query. UPDATE students set certificate_status = "ACCEPTED"
where id = {{ }}

But the changes made in Retool are not being stored our database. Do we need to develop additional API to save the data in our database?

Hello @Seong and welcome to the forums!

I'd need to see a bit more about the design/UI for your table and functionality but if you are doing something like selecting a row from the table and then clicking a button to "update" the certificate_status you would need to make sure that the button is setup to trigger the query using the button's event handlers.

If you want a more seamless table experience, you can directly create this button as a row action on your table, which will be visible when a user's mouse is hovering over the row. Just like before, the row action's button event handler needs to trigger your update query.

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Hello @Seong!

Pyrrho covered a lot of great points on double checking if the Query is set up correctly.

What action are you using to trigger this query?

Are you sure you selected a row in the table before running the query, so that {{ }} has a value assigned to it?

If you check the apps state after you click a row, does table3.selectedRow show up with a value assigned to it?

If you run the query with a int/number value hard coded into it, does that change save to the database?

Can you share a screenshot of the query?