Hi everyone!
I am experiencing long delays to load a retool embedded app and don't really know how to optimize loading times.
Here is what I observe:
Based on my understanding of the traces:
- The embed app content loads from 3.5s to ~7s.
- Nothing happens for 3s from ~7s to ~10s.
- Then the retool queries of my app are executed from 10s to ~11.5s
Can you confirm I understand correctly? Based on this, I am not sure how to optimize loading times.
- -> I guess this is related to the app content, and will get longer as the app gets more complex (eg more components, widgets, etc.)
- 2.-> It's not clear what happens here and what I can do
- 3.-> This is straightforward as it is directly related to retool query times
Any pointers on how I could reduce time spent in phases 1 and 2 would be greatly appreciated, thanks a lot!