How to publish a hot-fix while working on a feature

Hey friends,

I was reading this article linked by another retool thread about how to handle versioning, specifically when you need to work on a patch but are midway through developing a feature.

To quote the article's steps in order to do this;

  1. Jump into the app and create a ‘Draft Release’ in the Release Manager of the version you are in the middle of working on (let’s call this Version 02.00.00).
  2. Next, click on the three-dot menu of the version that is currently live (it will have a green ‘Live’ tag, and select ‘Revert to this version’ (let’s say Version 01.01.00). This will revert the version in the app editor only.
  3. Fix the bug in this version, then create a new release with a patch. Publish this release (Version 01.01.01).
  4. Once your app is fixed and live, head back to your release manager and revert the (working) version to the one you were initially working on (Version 02.00.00).
  5. Make sure to fix the bug/match the edits to those you made in the live version. Use ‘Compare Changes’ with the live and current version to make sure you haven’t missed anything before publishing.

I am experiencing an issue with version numbers—the patch version number is higher than the draft feature version.

For example, the live version is 1.0.0, I'm working on a feature 1.1.0, hotfix is required 1.0.1. I create a draft version 1.1.0 to 'stash' my changes. I revert to 1.0.0, make my hotfix changes, try to create a new draft release but this release version number is 1.1.1, which is higher than the draft version I made for my feature but not .1 higher than...

This article is 3 years old now, has the process changed slightly or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance!