when you say 'end-user' are you refering to the Retool defined 'end-user'? as in, a member of an org who has not built/edited an app or workflow during the current billing period?
on the Team plan I think the only thing you can do is try and use are:
config vars. these values are based on the env (like passwords for dev/prod env)
using {{ current_user }} or with SSO and JWT tokens in {{ current_user.metadata }}. html and data can still be generated for components on the client side.
end user has only view access, no right to change anything.
in our apps end-user does not see the ids, which is assigned automatically in DB. in our queries we are getting it for other reason. in result table we are hiding them. but when the user downloads the table, the user gets hidden columns too. we want to only let the user to download what the user sees.
we are using container to use tab to show the datas. sometimes we want to let the end-user to able to see only some tabs, not whole page. in this case we create a limited group to show only some tabs. in this situation we need to cross check, wheter the end-use is able to access whole page or some certain determined tabs.