How to execute oracle package returning output variables

I'm executing a PLSQL scripts that executes a packages to create some data in BD. This package returns two variables and I want to capture this in some variable. Today, the script executes normally but retool returns internal error as response .

What is the value of your variable? ([0].FOLIO)?

FOLIO is a string, the package receives 3 parameters: IN folio (varchar2), OUT code (number) and OUT error (varchar2).

Whether the package runs successfully or fails, it always gives the same output.
Captura de pantalla 2024-04-08 a la(s) 15.55.35

I suspect you have to put quotes around the variable, e.g.

proc_op_volver_picking("{{[0].FOLIO }}", cod, error)

Please give it a try and let me know if it worked or not.