How to embed tiktok video

hi guys i want to ask how to embed tiktok video , in case i can embed video tiktok normaly using html
like this

and this the output of that code (without login)

and i try to embed in retool now not work, may anybody help me to solve it??

this one if i use i frame

and this one if i use html

Hi @Nico_Revaldo!

We used to have a workaround by inspecting the page and grabbing the raw TikTok url from the console. Then adding it as a "Video URL" to a "Video Component." But I just tested it with that component, with the "iFrame Component," and also with the "Custom Component." It looks like TikTok may have added a new blocker to prevent this type of embedding from a third party application. :no_mouth:

We currently don't have a new way of directly embedding a TikTok video, but I wonder if it would be possible using their API.

I'll add your +1 to the feature request and will update with any updates on it. :slightly_smiling_face:

I was curious so I took a looksie. the Display API is here but they do require you to setup authorization which you can find here

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