How to create an authentication component using a defined resource

hi, i am trying to make an authentication for my app, i followed this document (Custom API authentication | Retool Docs) and finished 1-7th steps, but after that I don't know how to create a create a auth login component connected with my defined api, can you please help me to figure it out? THANKS!

Hi @serferfge! Thanks for posting. Can you provide more details about what you end goal is, maybe in the form of screenshots of your existing Retool app, hand drawn illustrations of what you hope to build in Retool, or screenshots of a Figma design file showing what you hope to build in Retool?

The Retool component library (Retool Component Library: The best React component library is in Retool) may help you if you're still brainstorming what to build in Retool.

Outside of brainstorming what your Retool app will look like, what have you done to create an auth login component so far, and where are you blocked? Are you seeing any errors, or are any Retool components behaving in a way that you didn't expect?

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