How to change view (suppose view 1 to view 2) on a button click present in header?

I am stuck in a situation where I need to change view on a button click present in header but i won't be able to do that

I am attaching the screenshot of the page for your reference

Hello @Dev_Consulting!

You can trigger view changes of a container programmatically using event handlers.

Let me give you an example, let me know if this works or what issue you are running into for implementing this.

My container1 component has two views, the first, view 1, shows a number input and the second, view 2, has an image component.

Once you have you buttons for 'previous view' and 'next view' events, you can click to inspect them and then go to the event handler section to set the action(control component) which component(container1) and the method(show next view/show previous view).

Hope this helps!

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