How to change the position of an alert for mobile layout

I have an alert which displays error / success message on click of button. For desktop it works fine. But for mobile I would like to change the position of the alert. Currently when I select the 'show on mobile' for the alert it throws error saying it has conflict with another adjacent or below component. I would like to dynamically change the position of the alert in mobile layout and also focus should be set to the alert so that user can see the alert clearly.
I am just wondering whether it is advisable to use alerts for mobile layout?
Please suggest any alternate ideas.

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hi @srichint

The conflict with components error when doing mobile layouts is definitely frustrating. I don't have a specific solution for the alert position, but what usually keeps the frustration at bay for me is to start in the mobile layout first and then rearrange for desktop.

So when I want to drag a new component in, I switch to mobile, drag it, then adjust in desktop. Hope that makes sense

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