How to access image uploaded in html component

I have uploaded an image to retool storage (from my desktop) using file input.
In the same app I have a HTML component where I would like to use the above uploaded image with src tag in html <src = "....">.
Currently I am unable to display any imagein the html component. Pleas suggest how this can be done

I don't believe there's access to Retool Storage by URL yet - you could use a standard image component which supports Storage, or "get" the file contents as base64 and display it that way maybe eg

<img src="data:image/png;base64,{{}}" />
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Thanks @dcartlidge for that awesome workaround! There have been some improvements here since early Feb. You can now use a url for the image in Retool Storage. You can copy the url in the 3 dot menu of the file in the Retool Storage page.
Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 2.25.23 PM

But it's also possible to construct it with the following structure:

https://<retool subdomain><file id>

Here I'm pulling the image id from a Get contents of a file Retool Storage query:

Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 2.34.19 PM

Hope this helps!

that's excellent, thanks for the update!

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