I wanted to represent a network map in a table.. which consists of how our various datacenters/sites/customers are linked. Not sure if this is the best way to do it, but it works. (open to suggestions!)
The the relationships are stored as simple linked-list in the database:
Each site is assigned a "tree_sort" ID so they can be sorted into position...
So in RETOOL SQL query:
select * from netsites
order by tree_sort ASC;
Add a Transformer to the Query to create the "nesting indents":
// Add NESTING Lines/Indentations to to names
return formatDataAsArray(data).map(row=>{
var n='';
let indent=' ';
n+='<span style="color:#ddd;">';
if(row.tree_level>2){ // if more than 1 indent, add vertical bars
let indent2=indent+'|'+indent;
// now add the vert bar with horiz bar ie. |--
n += indent + '|— </span>'
n += '<b>' +row.name + '</b> <span style="color:#ccc;">#'+row.netsite_id+'</span>';
return row;
which adds these:
Here's the code in PHP Backend which creates the tree_sort ID from the Linked-List relationship
public function calcTreeSort(){
// first reset all sites to the bottom of list (ie 999)
$this->dbc->update("update donors set tree_sort='999', tree_level=''");
// get all root sites, but in case a name is missing (null), sort it to the bottom
$q="select ROOT.id, ROOT.netsite_id, NS.name from netsite_root_ids ROOT
left join netsites NS USING (netsite_id)
order by ifnull(NS.name,'zzz') ASC"; // put nulls on bottom
// setup sortcodes on each and recursively down the line
$currentSortCode=1; //the current sort code resets at each tree level
foreach($res as $r){
$this->setSortCode_recurs($r->id, $r->netsite_id, "", $currentSortCode++, $level);
// The sortPrefix is the current sites parent... (ie. "AAA-BBB-" is the parent of "AAA-BBB-CCC")
// currentSort is the current ID for this node
private function setSortCode_recurs($id, $netsite_id, $sortPrefix, $currentSort, $level, $recurseLevel=1){
if($recurseLevel++ > 999) return; //loop safety
// set current node
$mySortCode = $sortPrefix . str_pad($currentSort, $this->SORTCODE_LEN, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
// update myself with propert sort code
$q="update donors SET tree_sort=?, tree_level=? where id=?";
$this->dbc->update($q, [$mySortCode, $level, $id]);
echo str_repeat(" ",$level-1) . "Level $level: $mySortCode - set to $id\n";
// get all child nodes, and update those
$q="select D.id, D.netsite_id, NS.name from donors D
left join netsites NS USING (netsite_id)
WHERE D.`donor_netsite_id` = ?
order by NS.name ASC";
$res=$this->dbc->select($q, [$netsite_id]);
$nextPrefix = $mySortCode . "-";
foreach($res as $r){
$this->setSortCode_recurs($r->id, $r->netsite_id, $nextPrefix, $nextLevelSortCode++, $level, $recurseLevel);
There's probably a better way to do, would love to hear other ideas...