I'm trying to figure out how to connect to an API for a service my company uses. I only have experience connecting to a handful of Rest APIs and GraphQL, I'm very new to Retool, and I cannot figure out how to make this work. Here's the instructions I was given:
I've put the URL as a REST API resource, but I'm not even sure if that's the correct type.
I'm putting the rest of the info in the query... 002-2.php on the end of the URL, and the server, user, and pass as key-values in the JSON body.
No matter what I try I keep getting back result:"E1" which apparently means Sent parameter is blank.
Does anyone recognise this style of API and can ELI5?
I finally got it working in Postman by literally trying every possible option! @stefancvrkotic was correct with data being the key. I needed to select Form Data as the body type and suddenly it worked!
Thanks all!