How do I access app list when I have an interface element of my own there

Continuing the discussion from Retool Mobile - Cannot Switch Apps:

How do I access app list when I have an interface element of my own there. Swiping from left side of the screen does nothing for me.

Hey @Scottsky :wave:

Thank you for your question. Would you mind sending a JSON export of your app?

Not just ready to expose it. DMed it to you.

You can easily replicate the issue by placing any active element on the left action bar of the apps home screen.

Hi @Scottsky, sorry for the delay in response. The menu button to view your list of app is only available when on a home screen. Is the left swipe still not working for you from a home page?

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Swipe left from home screen in deed works.
As a side note, swipe left to right is a very useful space saving feature thats a shame to reserve exclusively for app swapping. I'd rather have a left swipe drawer as a tool at my disposal for the actual app. Curious if this could possibly fit in to a feature request at some point?

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Absolutely! Just submitted that request for you. :+1:

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