Hidden key values showing in Key Value Pair component


Trying to hide the Name key-value based on whether or not item.trim().length <= 0.



The Name key-value still displays in the component despite the Hidden condition evaluating to true. This appears to only happen on app load. If I remove the Hidden condition, then rewrite it, the key-value becomes hidden.

Hi @jamierossiter :wave:

Thanks for bringing this up. I have a few clarifying questions to get to the bottom of this--

Is your key-value data being hardcoded or are you populating it from a resource query?

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If populated from a query, can you send me the query including its run behavior and state?

Additionally, what version of Retool are you working on?

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Hi Becca!

The key value data is populated from a variable which gets its values from a REST API query.

The query is running manually.

Please see below the query's state. Let me know if there is a better way to present this information for you.


Okay I see. Thanks for the additional information! Appreciate that.

To clarify- you're using a variable in the 'Data' object of your key-value component? Similar to the first photo below? Are you able to send a screenshot of your set up there?

Additionally, can you refresh the page and let me know what the value reads when you hover over the variable in your 'Data' content? (Photo 1) Same with what appears when you click on the code written under your 'Hidden' condition? (Photo 2)

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If you're able to, a link to a screen recording works as well. All of this information will help with a bug report. I'm not able to reproduce this error on my end quite yet, so this information will help me as well!

Can you also let me know what version of Retool you're working on?

Thank you @jamierossiter!