[help] Bounding Box mad at me for using base64 string?

hey all! i'm trying to do a quick and dirty bounding box using base64 strings from a File Dropzone component, and the bounding box won't display anything...

the image at the top uses the same JS to get base64 from the dropzone. I know the label for image in Bounding Box says URL, but the tooltip for the text entry says String | Base64. this applies for both the base64-encoded string and decoded (using atob())

(as a side note, I think I discovered a bug: use atob(base64String) in a transformer, click Preview, and then the app locks up)

tried with PNG and JPEG images.

got it!

gotta craft a data URL:

const b64String = {{ fileDropzone1.value[0].base64Data }}
const mimeType = {{ fileDropzone1.value[0].type }}

return `data:${mimeType};base64,${b64String}`
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