Has anything changed that could have an impact on text encoding for Custom Components

We have our own text editor that we use as a custom component. This editor hasn't been changed in months but recently we've been seeing strange characters. You can see an example of this in the screenshot.


This also shows up when loading items that haven't been changed in years. When looking at the raw value in the DB these characters aren't visible. However it seems to happen where non-breaking space characters are (both \u00A0 and  ).

So I assume it must be related to the way Retool transfers these values to custom components. Has anything changed there recently? This occured for the first time around last week for us.

Hello @ArnVanhoutte!

That is such a strange bug, not sure where it is coming from.

The eng team has been looking to revamp custom components, that would be my only guess to explain this very odd behavior :thinking:

Custom components have been known to be quirky as we tent to have much better support and integration for build-in retool components?

What version of retool are you on? Is your retool self hosted or living on the Retool cloud? Is this issue still present?

Great thought on the non-breaking space characters, I can ping our engineering team and see if that could be the root cause. Not sure why they would have made changes to the already working parser but that is a great lead for us to get to the bottom of this!

Hi @Jack_T

We are using Retool cloud and this issue is not present anymore. Last week the problem disappeared automatically so we removed our workaround.

Hello @Robby_Ceyssens!

Thanks for the follow up details. Great to hear the issue is gone, likely a minor match went through :sweat_smile:

Let me know if you have any other issues we can help with!