[Guide] Table Component UX/UI Best Practices: UI tips for data dashboards

Hi all! Sharing another Bold Tech guide for UX/UI best practices in Retool! In this guide we break down some key tips for table components: UI tips for building efficient data dashboards in Retool.

Here's what we cover:

  1. Table component features

  2. Quick UX/UI tips
    Present data in varied, visual, and logical ways
    Use captions and color to organize secondary text/data
    Smarten column headers and data layout
    Use color effectively

  3. More UI features in the Retool table component:
    Expandable rows

Looking forward to hearing what you think and any other tips and tips that might be useful! Stay tuned for Part II coming soon :muscle:

You can read more of our Retool guides and tutorials on our blog, and sign up for our monthly newsletter for exclusive tips :star2:


There're some really good tidbits in there! I suffer from a horrible case of "programmer art", it's incurable :mask:, so I wouldn't mind reading more about color theory in general or for something more retool oriented styling and themes

You're not alone :grin: That's great feedback thank you and definitely something we'll be sharing more of in some of our upcoming guides! The design aspect of Retool is something I'm personally very interested in so very happy to write some more!


My favorite takeaway here is native-like experience provided by summaries within expandable rows and the capability to limit their expansion, something more applications should definitely adopt.