Gui Mode does not work with db name and db host override

If i run a query with SQL mode the query runs without any problem.

If I run in GUI mode the query return an error:

  • statusCode:422
  • error:"Unprocessable Entity"
  • message:"connect ETIMEDOUT"

See the video on the link


Can you share the state of the sunpic_adb_categories_table as well? In your SQL query you are directing it to update values very specifically, but your GUI query uses a changesetArray which may be null if you aren't making new changes to the table.

If there IS data in the array we can see if there is anything odd about the structure of the array. It may also be helpful to share the console/debug output if there is any extra error data provided.

See the video

The strangest thing is that if I remove the values for Override Db Name and Override Db Host and use only the defaults from MySQL connection it works without any problem.

See the video

Interesting! So it seems like the override values aren't being used properly for the resource -- is the override DB name still working properly if you don't override the host?

I need to remove both otherwise didnt work

Adding on a bug tag to the topic here and @retool_team to maybe see if there is a specific setup in this resource that could be causing your issue.

A last quick thought (which probably won't change the landscape) -- has this only been happening while you are editing the app within a single session or have you gone back and forth between the resources page and your app? Sometimes I have noticed that some changes to my resource settings aren't fully... set... unless I have exited the app and gone back in to edit it again.

The problem occur in edit mode or view mode, I also try in another browser and the same happen

i dont know it it helps or not, but this problem only occur if I use a SSH tunnel to connect to the database

Can @retool_team help me...

Hello @Hugo_Marques!

Super weird bug, I can definitely look to reproduce it and have our engineering team take a look at it.

What exactly are you looking to get help with currently? Will your app/query function without SSH tunneling or in SQL mode or with the Override DB name/host fields not filled out?

hello @Jack_T

Did you see the video that I sent? If I use the Override Db Name and Override Db Host fields the connection with database seems to be not made using the SSH. If I did not fill this values and use the defaults ones on the connection it works, the connection is made by SSH. I need use ssh because our database is private and I can only connect with them using ssh

This only happen on SQL GUI mode, If I use SQL mode everything works

Hi @Hugo_Marques,

Yes I watched the video, very odd. I tried to reproduce the bug but was not able to.

Are you self hosted, if so which version of Retool are you on?

Are you able to use SQL mode instead of GUI mode so you can connect via SSL?

I can file a bug report with the engineering team that works on resources, but my guess is that this bug might have been patched, as I do not see an "Override DB host" input field when I created a MySQL query to try to replicate this bug :sweat:

I am not using self-hosted version

I can run the update in SQL Mode with Override db host and dbname filled without any problem. The problem only happens in GUI mode. I need ssh tunnel to connect to the database and if I do not fill the override db host and db name in the GUI mode and retool using the default values configured on the database connection everything works fine, only when I fill the override values the connection does not work.

I don't understand why you do not see the override fields in the SQL mode!