Group rows by....: grouped column appears twice, no chance to hide

Hi all

I have a table component with grouped rows by a certain column.
In editing mode, the column the rows are group by shows once, but in viewing mode this column appears a second time with (logically the same entries as on the grouped level). I have no chance to hide this second (same) column.

See example:

Any idea how to hide this? Was looking through the documentation, the forum, asked ChatGPT, seams that noone encountered this issue...


Hi @Manuel_Faeh
Welcome to the community :wave:

Even if you group by certain column, that same column by default will still appear in the table.

You can hide the column in the table settings in the Appearance settings of the column you dont want to see repeated by adding a logic to hide it if groupByColumns is enabled.

Hope this helps! :sun_with_face:

Fantastic! Yes, this helped, thank you!