I’d like to add a GraphQL Subscription to my retool page so that when a mutation fires, the Subscription receives an update, and auto-magically runs a query and refreshes my table.
I would think it should be very straightforward but maybe I can’t seem to capture the subscription firing (even though I know it is a valid subscription / correct syntax.
Retool currently doesn't support any realtime updates or incoming connections, so I don't think GraphQL Subscriptions are supported. The closest workaround is to use the option to periodically trigger a query under the "advanced" tab:
I’m going to go ahead and move this post over to the Feature Request section, if anyone else would also like to see GraphQL subscriptions please chime in here!
Dang, I wouldn’t have thought about a GQL subscription before this, but now that you mention it, this could definitely get some usage! It’d go a long way to prevent some of the sluggishness the apps have with the heavier queries going on.
GraphQL subscriptions were the first thing I looked for when I came to kick the tyres here. Was hoping to leverage Retool for RAD dashboards against an existing GraphQL API. Definitely a +1 feature request from me.
I will use retool for certain admin tasks in my project but this single feature would mean that I would be able to use it for basically all my needs. +1 for subscriptions
Hey @vibeesarma — at the moment I believe the closest thing is still Alex's suggestion above to poll for changes on an interval. I have linked an internal feature request to this thread and pinged our engineers on it and will post any updates here!
This would be a BIG +1 for me. Some of the queries that I would like to run are subscription based only.. The polling is nice.. but its still losing some functionality for what I would like to use retool for.
Is there any updates or roadmaps for getting subscriptions into retool?
I would love to see subscriptions as well. Right now I have to run a query every few seconds. It is not good from UI perspective because of loading indicator. Also if there are no changes, then execution of the query was not even needed
Unfortunately, Retool doesn't support any ongoing connections like Firebase realtime or GraphQL subscriptions yet. The closest option at the moment is that queries can be set to trigger periodically, every X milliseconds, under the advanced settings of the query.
It looks like we've got a few users who chimed in with a feature request for this, and I definitely agree we should support it when we can. I'll comment here with any updates and thank you for sharing feedback with the team!