Granular release notes on incremental Retool updates

There is a huge lack of transparency in what bug fixes or changes are made for incremental updates to Retool on-prem (Example: 2.90.9 -> 2.90.10)

With how important of a platform Retool is for many companies it is important to understand what changes or fixes are being made in each release to better understand any impact these changes may have in the environment.

The general updates on What's new on Retool are a great look at the roll-up for major version but there is nothing for incremental versions which I would like to see.

Hey @AFarnsworth thanks for sharing this, and it's great feedback. I'll log this officially for our team to track/weigh in on, and circle back with updates (or if anything related is currently in the works, which I'm currently unaware of, but I'll still check!). Thank you! :pray:

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