GQL Query does not send variables attribute in request body

  • Goal: My GQL mutation is not attaching the specified variables to the actual request

  • Steps: Created a GQL mutation like all other queries/mutations but I can see in the developer console that retool is not attaching the variables when making the request

    input is the variable

You can see the "input" variable is populated with valid values yet it's not passed when executing the HTTP request.

Full body...
{"query":"mutation updateWorkflowEntities($input: UpdateWorkflowEntities!) {\n updateWorkflowEntities(input: $input) {\n entity { id }\n }\n}"}

Hi @Zak_Sesti, what happens if we create the query on the App instead of importing it from the QL? This would help us identify if the issue is related to the Resource or the QL.