Google Sheets Update

I am trying to update Google Sheets; see the example below. I have tried multiple ways to get this done, but the best I was able to do was add a new record. I also tried to bulk upload, but I did not have any success. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Monet, did you test and build out a query using the google sheets resource to append or bulk add content into the sheet?

Yes, I was able to get this to work. I have additional questions, but not sure who to contact.

Thanks, Monte

Please continue to ask questions through community!

Ok, but the response time is concerning.

I urge you to continue to ask questions on the forum. We get to the threads as soon as we can, and posts with robust questions including what was tried, and errors seen, have a higher response rate from other community members. Additionally a lot of questions are already answered in community, so searching for existing questions pertaining to yours would be a good first step to resolve issues quickly!