Google Sheets OAuth Problems

  • Goal: Attempting to set up multiple resource queries based on existing google sheet containing data

  • Steps: I've followed the steps to configure a Google Project and subsequent Google Sheets Resource within Retool. When I test the connection via the Resource I receive a success. When I attempt to consume this query from within a Retool App I am unable to authenticate and grant permissions and receive a 502 Bad Gateway nginx error.

I'd love any additional guidance or documentation on what potential steps I may have missed in my setup. The Retool side documentation was manageable to figure out but I have no idea if I've configured the google project correctly as that wasn't included in the guide

Hey there @SimplyStuck :wave: Welcome to the Retool community!

Happy to help out with this. You mentioned you looked at docs, but I want to confirm these are the ones you checked out just to cover my bases.

I'm trying to reproduce the error on my end with different resource-level permissions set for an alias user, but still not able to get the 502 error.

Could you send any screenshots/screen recordings of the error, the query and/or the resource configuration? That may help in getting to the bottom of this. :thinking: