Experiencing pool destroy error in network response tab when accessing the application. This is happening after restarting the mongo service. Application in deployed on Kubernetes in another server
Can someone help on this?
Experiencing pool destroy error in network response tab when accessing the application. This is happening after restarting the mongo service. Application in deployed on Kubernetes in another server
Can someone help on this?
Hi @Nipun_Kaweeshvara - welcome to the community forum.
This is actually an older issue that I haven't seen pop up for a few years. I was under the impression that it had been fixed! What version of Retool are you running? I'll reach out to our dev team to get more info on this end and will follow up here as soon as possible.
In the meantime, you should be able to refresh the connection pool by restarting your app or recreating the MongoDB resource in Retool. It might even be sufficient to edit and save the resource.
Let me know if that unblocks you!