Getting an error when using utils.downloadPage in public view

Hi there!

I'm getting the following error in the console when I try to trigger utils.downloadPage in a public view.

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getBoundingClientRect')
    at app.f39970bfe2ef0a0adfc5.js:1:746340
    at (<anonymous>)
    at a (app.f39970bfe2ef0a0adfc5.js:1:744553)

It is working fine when I am in edit or preview modes and only seems to be happening in the published view. Here is a test page I created to replicate the issue: Retool



Hey there :wave: I just created a public app with what I believe is the same setup and didn't run into this issue. Would you mind sharing a screenshot of the query you have that is triggered by the button?

Here you go!


I just tried your public link again ( and it worked for me, are you still running into issues?