Generic function to flatten nested JSON as input to Retool component

Hi there. This really isn't a Retool thing but finally managed to make a function to flatten nested JSON as an input to a Retool component. Very often I'm hand-crafting deep object references, and then using map to parse an array in an object etc, when really I just want to extract a handful of items from a few different levels in the hierarchy.

Example use
For this demo I'm pulling a random entry from the met museum api (doesn't require any authentication):

The api returns some nested json, which can change very significantly depending upon which object is returned (like many APIs):

Which is then 'flattened' to this:

This is the JS query which does the conversion:

const x_data =

function parse_object(x_input_object, x_input_path) { 

  let x_flat_object = {}
  let x_curr_path = ''
  if (x_input_path.length > 0 ) {
       x_curr_path = x_input_path + '_'
  else {
      x_curr_path = '' }
  let x_this_obj_entries = Object.entries(x_input_object)

  x_this_obj_entries.forEach((x_entry) => { 
      if (typeof x_entry[1] !== 'object' || x_entry[1] === null) { 
          x_flat_object[x_curr_path + x_entry[0]] = x_entry[1]
      else {
        let x_recursive_object = parse_object(x_entry[1], x_curr_path + x_entry[0])
        Object.assign(x_flat_object, x_recursive_object)
    return x_flat_object 

var x_output = parse_object(x_data, '')

return x_output


At each level in hierarchy it concatenates the path using an underscore
When it meets an array, it concatenates the index of the array.

Appends the nested object name to the parent object name, basically dot notation but replacing the dot with an underscore.

In this example there is a top level property (measurements) which contains an array of objects. Those objects then have nested objects as properties (elementMeasurements), so you go from this:
to this:

If desired you can then throw this straight into a table:

Now it is in one list, you can do things like filtering the list, in this case for anything with image in the name:

and then show those items:

Not the most concrete use case but the flattened list can be a lot easier to work with.

Hope that's of use!


Thanks so much for sharing this detailed example! :raised_hands:

I like this, but in case you just want to access some nested JSON data in a table, you can do it without any transformer. The table component has a mapping field that gives you access to sub-fields in the query.

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Hey thanks, I didn't know that - still having some difficulty migrating to the new table component due to some inconsistencies across my UI with the old table. I'll check it out.

Main purpose of the above code, for me, is for things like the example - "find any name/value pair in the nested object at any level of nesting that references an image / a number / an email"