formal_application_id in workflow

Hi, I have a workflow that was working perfectly but today it failed and the error says:
{"data":null,"error":{"error":true,"message":"invalid command-line argument for server process: formal_application_id={{","isRetoolSystemError":false,"queryExecutionMetadata":{"estimatedResponseSizeBytes":129,"resourceTimeTakenMs":350,"isPreview":false,"resourceType":"postgresql","lastReceivedFromResourceAt":1719580381538}}}
Do you know what it could be?

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@Paulo, hope you don't mind the tag but I think I remember seeing you help out with server-side errors before???

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Hi @Camila_Chavez,

Thanks for reaching out! I'm not sure what caused this error :thinking: Can you send me the Workflow Run Id and a screenshot of the block it failed on?

Is the workflow working now or still failing?