Firestore "FieldValue" values missing?

Hi! Been using Retool for a while here.
My app was running well until a few days ago. I am trying to update a Firestore document using Raw Query. When trying to union an Array using Firestore's FieldValue.arrayUnion(), now it returns an error like so:


According to this forum post, we can use firebase.FieldValue to access the Firebase sentinel values (including arrayUnion ).

It's been working then, but now it just won't work. What happened?

Thank you in advance for your help.


Hey @hendranatadiria! Was arrayUnion working for you previously? Looks like we have a feature request to include those, so as far as I can tell this shouldn't have been working. But definitely want to clarify if this functionality regressed for you recently?

This is working for me:

return await db.firestore().collection(posts).doc(postId).update(
{comments: firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion(commentId)}