Firebase resources not accessible from retool app in raw mode

  • Goal: Access firebase resources from app.

  • Steps: We have tried accessing different firebase resources in different environments and all have the same issue. The issue occurs when we use "raw mode" and not when we use "gui mode" to access the resource.

  • Details: Test connection is successful on the firebase resources. Works in GUI mode. The output from the query that tries to access the resources is: "Error: Cannot find module '@google-cloud/firestore/build/src/path". We use

const fetchPurchasedVehicle = db
  • Screenshots: N/S

Experiencing this too, can not access firestore through raw mode anywhere on my app. Getting the same error: "Error: Cannot find module '@google-cloud/firestore/build/src/path"

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I'm also facing this issue - this is critical for us. Thanks for pointing this out @Bongi_Fleischer. Would love to see a fix for this!

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Hey @Bongi_Fleischer, @kporter, and @Chris_Howard1,

Thank you for sharing this prompt feedback. This issue (which was related to missing JS packages) was raised as an incident to our eng team and was investigated. This should now be resolved as of 2PM Pacific time.

Are you still seeing the same behavior?

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We are no longer seeing this issue. Thank you!

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I am experiencing this issue right now.

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We have this issue too

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Same issue

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I am experiencing the same issue and it is effecting end users significantly. Does anyone know of a temporary workaround?

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Hey everyone! We are aware of the issue right now and and our engineering team is going to attempt a rollback to previous version to get you all unblocked. I will circle back when it's complete to confirm it worked. Thanks for your patience!

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Hey! This should be working now. Can anyone confirm?

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It works for me now


Great! Let us know if you have anymore issues!

Working. Thank You

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I am still getting this issue - Error: Cannot find module '@google-cloud/firestore/build/src/path'

Hi @Bobby_Moats! Are you still experiencing this error?