Firebase Realtime Database Raw Mode timeout

When I hit preview on a query to a Firebase Realtime Database in Raw Mode it just times out after a few mins.

This is the code I run

var ref = db.database().ref("temp/news/newsItems");
var snapshot = await ( ref.once("value"));
return snapshot.val();

I can get access to the data normally outside of raw mode so the permissions are ok. I would like to use Raw mode because I am finding it hard to do things in GUI mode.

If anyone has any experience of using realtime DB I would really like some help.

Hi @John_Halloran, thanks for posting! You mentioned:

I would like to use Raw mode because I am finding it hard to do things in GUI mode.

What are you finding it hard to do in GUI mode?

I've been using the Firebase Realtime Database <> Retool connection successfully in GUI mode, but I didn't find any code snippets illustrating how to use Firebase Realtime Database in Raw mode in the Retool docs, so I wonder if Raw mode only currently supports Cloud Firestore, and not Firebase Realtime Database.

Where did you find the code snippet that you included in your screenshot?

Hi @max_wiederholt. thanks for getting back to me. I think I wrote that code myself.

I have moved off creating the tool I was trying to create. The problems I was having was round getting data out using the GUI but I can't remember exactly what the problem was. I figured that it would be easier to write in raw mode as I am familiar with Firebase DB.

I will be back in touch with more questions once we restart our admin tool in a couple of months. I was able to get a basic proof of concept working for what we plan to do and we will start creating the rest of what we need in a couple of months.