Finnicky issues with time field (input time selection, reselecting time should start dropdown at the top, filter not working well)

  • Goal: Selected time should start from the dropdown at the top. The filter should work properly.

  • Steps: Added a time field in forms. When I enter a time, it will show in the autocomplete dropdown.

  • Details: I am using the time field component in forms.

  • Screenshots:


Thanks in advance. Please take a look at this issue.

Hello @Yogesh_Yadav!

Could you give me more details on how you would like the dropdown to behave?

It seems that the dropdown for the time input field does scroll to the top, which is 12 am. While a few times when I was testing it out the dropdown would stay close a time I had selected.

If you are looking to have the dropdown anchor after a time is selected that could be a possibility for us to add to reduce scrolling.

There is an option to limit the time range for the component, which will also reduce the need for scrolling. Which would to an effect control the start/top of the dropdown.