Filters not updating table

I'm trying to filter data in a table. The out of the box filter is not updating the table even though it is linked to the table. I've tried the search in table feature and also a text input field with a query to change the filter and that works but the table never updates. It won't even sort by column.

I also noticed from others screenshots that I'm missing two fields in the interaction section of the table. searchTerm and searchMode are missing. searchMode is also disabled in the state view.

Hi @Keith_Williams ! I see from your screenshot that you have Server-side pagination enabled. Search mode / search term and filtering only affect the client-side Table data, so they are removed / disabled when server side filtering is involved since you will need to implement the filtering logic within your query controlling the Table data.

This thread has some more information that might be helpful for you! Search Term Is Disabled for The New Table - #15 by Tess

A post was split to a new topic: Allow filtering for table with pagination enabled